"ToDo but for duties on Pets."
Pet care in your family feels as stressful as operating a zoo?...
The simplest way to keep your 10000 pets from overfeeding or lack of movement while taken care of by 10000 family members
(and at the same time removing worries of such happening).
Pet care Collaboration
for busy Families
No more guessing or asking around if a pet already got food ... or twice, or trice, or if the dog has already been for a walk.
With PetDo’s shared tasks everyone is on the same level and can check if a task is already completed or not.
Task Sharing
Tasks are shown to and can be
completed by every family member
Changes to Tasks happen in real-time
so every member is up-to-date
Trust is good,
Notifications are better...
... for upcoming tasks so one
can’t forget about them
Success Messages
... for completed tasks so everyone is on the same page and doesn’t have to worry about pets getting cared for or not.